Keep your funds in your Ziina wallet, or cash out to your bank up to once a day. Transfers to your bank are free and available in 1-2 business days for anything less than 25K AED.
Ziina works for where your business is today, and grows to meet your needs for tomorrow. From integrations with Shopify and WooCommerce to a totally custom API and more, Ziina's got you covered.
One platform for every sale
Uncover new revenue streams while keeping all your sales, all in one place. Track money going in and out with in-app analytics and CSV exports.
But don't take it from us
Our community is why we're here.
Get paid everywhere
Payment links
Instantly create and share payment links across any platform.
Payment gateway
Get paid on Instagram, Whatsapp, and more.
For those big ideas. Tailor Ziina to your business needs.
QR payments
Scan to pay in pop-ups or stores.
NFC Cards
Take payments wherever you go.
Get paid on Instagram, Whatsapp, and more.
Your money stays safe
Licensed by the Central Bank of the UAE
PCI-DSS certified technology
Safely stores all payment card information.
State-of-the-art verification
Biometrics and pin code for added security.
The perks of getting paid with Ziina
Visa, Mastercard, & Amex accepted
Go global
Accept international currencies
Apple Pay & Google Pay
No subscription, initiation, or hidden fees
Get real-time notifications
No fees to start
free processing when you join
Track sales on the go
Always simple pricing
2.6% + 1 AED
2.9% + 1 AED for payment gateway
Customizable payment links
Perfect for your website. Works on any platform.
Start taking payments in minutes
Create account in a minute—all you need is your Emirates ID