Personal Account Fees

Fee to Send Funds

Fee to send funds to Ziina business accounts


Fee to send funds to Ziina personal account using wallet balance or UAE debit card

First 5,000 AED per month free of charge then a fee of 2.9% + 1 AED per transaction.

Fee to send funds using credit card, international payment card, Apple/Google Pay

2.9% + 1 AED


5% of Fee to send funds

Fee to Receive Funds

Receiving funds from another Ziina account


Receiving funds from a non-Ziina user

You will not be charged to receive funds from a non-Ziina user, the payer will be charged 2.9% + 1 AED. Although, they can join Ziina and send the payment through the app, free of charge too.

You can view live updates on Ziina's pricing by visiting